Art / The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

Rev / To stir up.

Our Cocktails

We combined our passion for and background in art and music with our love for great tasting cocktails. Our cocktails are made with only premium spirits and layered with high-quality extracts and fresh botanicals.

We’ve also revved up the alcohol content. Each can is high ABV (alcohol-by-volume) at 9.5%-13.5%. You would need to buy 2-3 cans of low ABV spiked seltzer to get the same value. Much like how music industry A & R representatives search out the most cutting-edge talent, Art & Rev was created with today’s tastemakers in mind.

How We Create Our Craft Cocktails

As with art and music, it all starts with a passion that finds its way into others' lives through shared experiences.
Step 1
Feel inspired by the moment and fully appreciate the beauty in our surroundings.
Step 2
Source from the best ingredients and premium spirits.
Step 3
Test, Test, and Test…because only the best will do.
Step 4
Store it in a can to be enjoyed later with old friends and new ones.

Browse Our Spirit-Forward Cocktails

Orange Gin Spritz

Orange Gin Spritz

Vodka Soda

Vodka Soda

Whiskey Buck

Whiskey Buck

Rum & Coconut

Rum & Coconut